What Does Dreaming of Scorpions Mean?

Scorpion Dream Meaning

Given the powerful reputation of scorpions, it might be surprising that they are generally less than nine inches long, according to National Geographic Kids. Your scorpion dream could therefore symbolize a situation where someone’s impact on the world is out of proportion to their size.

Scorpion Dream Summary

Scorpion Dream Symbolism

A scorpion is generally a small animal, but its sting can punch well above its weight. You might not expect a scorpion sting to come out of nowhere, so some scorpion dreams may symbolize that you feel like you are being attacked in a way you can’t control or predict.

Though scorpions sting the prey that they eat, a scorpion would generally only sting a human in self-defense. A scorpion dream could therefore symbolize that you have overstepped someone else’s boundaries, or that you feel the need to defend yourself against someone who has crossed you.

However, scorpion symbolism also includes vindictiveness, so your dream of a scorpion might suggest that a punishment may have lost proportion to the crime that provoked it. You must be careful to use the power associated with scorpion symbolism for good.

Common Scorpion Dreams

  1. Dream of a scorpion stinging
  2. Dream of killing a scorpion
  3. Dream of eating a scorpion
  4. Dream of keeping a pet scorpion
  5. Dream of a scorpion glowing in the dark
  6. Dream of a scorpion of a particular color

Scorpion Dream Symbolism

Being out of Control

Dreaming of a scorpion attacking you can symbolize that you feel like you lack control over your environment. It might seem like you are just going about your business, and people are coming out of the woodwork to make your life difficult.

Scorpions attack when they feel threatened, though, so you may need to become more aware of the signals you are putting out. Perhaps you are obliviously stepping on people’s toes. Even if you don’t mean to hurt anyone, you might be causing harm that you need to address.


Scorpions use their powerful sting when they feel threatened. One might ask, though, whether a potentially deadly punishment fits the crime of whatever set them off.

Dreaming of a scorpion stinging could symbolize that you feel threatened, and you feel entitled to strike back at whoever hurt you. You may need to ask yourself whether you are taking things too far.

Alternately, a dream of a scorpion could symbolize that you feel like someone else is out to get you. Even if you can acknowledge that you made some mistakes with them, you may think the other person’s reaction is out of proportion to whatever you did.

Either way, vindictiveness is a stereotype associated with the Zodiac sign Scorpio, which has a scorpion for its symbol. If it is significant to you that you are a Scorpio, or that someone else in your life is one, your scorpion dream could relate to that.


Whether or not a scorpion seems to be justified in stinging in a given situation, the sting of a scorpion has great power in relation to the scorpion’s small size. Dreaming of a scorpion could therefore symbolize that you are powerful, even if you have some disadvantages in relation to whoever you are fighting against. Alternately, if you think you are the powerful party in a dispute you are involved in, you might need to take the other side more seriously, as they may be more powerful than they look.

Power is a more positive stereotype associated with the Zodiac sign Scorpio, so this could also be an important part of understanding your dream if it is important to you that you are a Scorpio or that someone else in your life is one.

Common Scorpion Dreams

Dream of a scorpion stinging

Dream of a scorpion stinging

Scorpions are not physically large enough to attack humans in the way that large predator animals like wolves or bears do. However, the scary part of getting stung by a scorpion is that you can be poisoned by the venom in the sting, and you can’t predict how severely your body will be affected. The fear of having a really serious reaction to the venom might be worse than the pain of the sting itself. Dreams of bees, snakes, and bats can have the same dynamic.

Dreams about scorpions stinging can symbolize that you feel like you have enemies who are undermining you. However, you may need to be careful to distinguish between the pain they are causing you in the moment and how likely their actions truly are to cause a serious long-term problem. Overreacting to a petty frustration could turn out to create more problems than it solves.

Dream of killing a scorpion

Dream of killing a scorpion

Dreaming of killing a scorpion that would otherwise be likely to attack you can symbolize that you are capable of defending yourself from something that threatens you. Even if others would say the threat looks small, you may be aware that the potential for harm is greater than it appears.

If you are hunting and killing the scorpion for food in your dream, this could symbolize that you are able to provide for your own needs. However, you may be aware of the scorpion-like aggression inherent in the act. After all, scorpions use their powerful stingers to kill their own prey too.

Dream of eating a scorpion

Dream of eating a scorpion

Scorpions can be eaten, and cooking them negates the effects of the venom. Dreaming of eating a scorpion could symbolize that you are taking in qualities associated with scorpions, like power and protection, but you are doing so in a way that you can comfortably tolerate.

Dream of keeping a pet scorpion

Dream of keeping a pet scorpion

If you already have a pet scorpion in your waking life, dreaming of a pet scorpion could reflect your routine activities. If you don’t have a pet scorpion, though, dreaming of having a pet scorpion might symbolize that you are able to possess the qualities of a scorpion in a manageable way.

Dream of a scorpion glowing in the dark

Dream of a scorpion glowing in the dark

Scorpions glow under ultraviolet light, so people looking for scorpions sometimes use handheld ultraviolet light to help them in their search. A dream of scorpions glowing in the dark could symbolize that you will be able to catch someone who is causing trouble for you, even if they ordinarily find a way to fly under the radar.

Alternately, if you are sneaking around and doing things you know you should not be doing, a dream of scorpions glowing in the dark might symbolize that you are less subtle than you think, and you could get caught.

Dream of a scorpion of a particular color

Dreaming of a scorpion of a specific color can combine scorpion dream symbolism with the dream symbolism of that color.

Dream of a black scorpion


Dream of a black scorpionThe symbolic associations of the color black include shielding and protection. Dreaming of black scorpions could therefore symbolize that you are able to use power without drawing a lot of attention to yourself. The downside of being able to function undetected is that there is no one to see you and call you out if you make a bad choice, so you might need to be extra aware of your own motives and actions.

Alternately, a black scorpion dream could symbolize that someone who does not have your best interests at heart is getting away with doing what they want. You may need to watch out for the possibility that you are being subtly undermined.

Dream of a white scorpion

The symbolic associations of the color white include innocence and spirituality. Dreaming of white scorpions can therefore symbolize that you are using power for a good purpose.

However, the symbolism of white can also cross the line into being naïve or too innocent for one’s own good. In this sense, a dream of white scorpions could symbolize that you have convinced yourself you are doing the right thing to the point you can’t clearly see the consequences of your actions.

Dream of a red scorpion

Dream of a red scorpion

Red is associated with the struggle to survive in nature, which can at times be bloody. A red scorpion in your dream could emphasize the part of scorpion dream symbolism that has to do with self-defense. You may feel like you need to defend yourself from some threat – or you might be perceived as a threat to someone else.

Dream of a yellow scorpion

Dream of a yellow scorpion

Yellow is a visible color that tends to draw attention to itself. A yellow scorpion in your dream could therefore have a similar meaning to a dream of a scorpion glowing in the dark: if someone in your life is sneaking around and using scorpion-like qualities in secret, they are likely to get caught.


Scorpion dreams can symbolize situations of self-defense, whether you are the defender or the one being defended against. They may show healthy aggression, but they could also indicate a situation where aggression has gone too far into being vindictive.