What Does It Mean to Dream of a Positive Pregnancy Test?

Whether you want to be pregnant or not, a positive pregnancy test is usually a clear message. The symbolism of a positive pregnancy test dream can therefore be more about information than about pregnancy.
Positive Pregnancy Test Dream Summary
Positive Pregnancy Test Dream Symbolism
The symbolism of a positive pregnancy test dream may ultimately cross over into pregnancy dream symbolism. The test itself, however, has more to do with finding out the unambiguous truth of your situation, so a dream focused on a positive pregnancy test could be about any situation in your life where you need to get a clear yes or no answer.
The interpretation of a positive pregnancy test dream depends substantially on whether or not you want to be pregnant. If you are the partner of someone who can get pregnant, but you can’t get pregnant yourself, you could interpret your dream of your partner’s positive pregnancy test based on your own desire or lack thereof to be a parent.
Common Positive Pregnancy Test Dreams
- Dream of a positive pregnancy test when you want to be pregnant
- Dream of a positive pregnancy test when you don’t want to be pregnant
- Dream of a positive pregnancy test when you don’t have a strong preference
- Dream of a positive pregnancy test when you are not sexually active
- Dream of someone else having a positive pregnancy test
- Dream of trying to conceal a positive pregnancy test result
Positive Pregnancy Test Dream Symbolism
Dreaming of a positive pregnancy test can symbolize that you want to find out the clear truth about a confusing situation in your life. Even if the answer you get is not the answer you want, you can at least move forward once you know it.
Lack of Control
Pregnancy is something that can be hard for humans to control. Whether someone who really wants to get pregnant is unable to make it happen, or someone who really does not want to get pregnant nonetheless gets pregnant, the common experience is a lack of control over something important in one’s life.
Dreaming of a positive pregnancy test could therefore symbolize your feelings that you lack control over some situation in your life. Even if getting the positive pregnancy test was something you wanted in the dream, there could still be a sense that you didn’t have full control over getting the outcome you wanted – that you were helped by factors beyond your control.
Lack of Ambiguity
It is sometimes said that you can’t be a little bit pregnant – you either are pregnant, or you are not. Dreaming of a positive pregnancy test could therefore symbolize that you are looking for that level of certainty in some other situation in your life.
A positive pregnancy test dream could also show that there is a clear and unambiguous answer to a situation where you would prefer for there to be more wiggle room.
Medical Issues
A dream of a positive pregnancy test could happen if you are dealing with another medical issue in your waking life. It might just be about the routine of getting medically tested, but you may also have deeper anxiety about how the other condition you are dealing with could impact your ability to have children in the future.
A positive pregnancy test dream may symbolize that you feel like other people are dumping responsibilities on you. This could especially be the case if your dream of having a positive pregnancy test had a negative emotional atmosphere.
If you felt relieved in your dream of a positive pregnancy test, however, this could symbolize a situation where you feel like getting pregnant and having a child would somehow get you out of other responsibilities in your life that you like less. For example, you might feel like people would understand if you quit an unfulfilling job to become a stay-at-home parent, while they would react badly if you quit that job simply to take another job you like better.
Common Positive Pregnancy Test Dreams
Dream of a positive pregnancy test when you want to be pregnant
Your dreams often reflect what you regularly do in your waking life, so, if you are actively trying to conceive, it might be surprising if you didn’t dream about your quest for a positive pregnancy test. Dreaming of a positive pregnancy test in that situation could simply be, as dream analysis pioneer Sigmund Freud might put it, the fulfillment of a wish. It may also, however, confirm your intuition that something you are doing is on the right track.
Dream of a positive pregnancy test when you don’t want to be pregnant
If you dream of a positive pregnancy test when you don’t want to be pregnant, the dream could symbolize that you feel like you are being jerked around by others in your life. You might feel like you lack control over your own fate, and the situation setting you off in the moment may not necessarily be related to sexuality or reproduction.
In some cases, however, such a dream could refer to concerns about your sex life. If you feel like whatever birth control method you are using is not reliable, you may want to pursue that with your healthcare professional.
Dream of a positive pregnancy test when you don’t have a strong preference
If you don’t have a strong preference in your waking life as to whether or not you become pregnant, dreaming of a positive pregnancy test could give you an opportunity to explore how you would react. This dream might symbolize that your openness to new experiences will be rewarded in a way better than anything you could have thought of on your own.
If you don’t have a strong preference as to whether or not you become pregnant, though, do you have any other strong preferences about the direction of your life? If you tend to be passive and go with the flow instead of having your own preferences in general, a dream of a positive pregnancy test could symbolize that someone else has become aware of your passivity and is seeking to steer it in a direction beneficial to their interests.
You may be relieved to have someone to tell you what to do, and maybe your collaboration with this more dominant person works well for you. It might be worthwhile, however, for you to at least be aware of the dynamic and your own complicity in it.
Dream of a positive pregnancy test when you are not sexually active
Interpreting a dream of a positive pregnancy test when you are not sexually active could require looking at why you are not sexually active.
If you are not sexually active because you haven’t met the right person, or because you are busy with other activities, dreaming of a positive pregnancy test could symbolize a surprise opportunity coming into your life. The opportunity may or may not have to do with a romantic relationship, but such a dream might suggest you would benefit from paying more attention to your romantic life if you want anything to happen there.
If you are not sexually active because you are afraid that something bad will happen to you if you have sex, dreaming of a positive pregnancy test could reflect your own guilt and anxiety about sex. While it is true that the safety of sexual intimacy cannot always be guaranteed to the extent people would like, you may benefit from looking into a realistic assessment of the risks and benefits of sexual activity.
Dream of someone else having a positive pregnancy test
If you dream of someone else having a positive pregnancy test, this could symbolize that you feel like other people are getting opportunities you are not. You might feel jealous, like life is passing you by.
Dream of trying to conceal a positive pregnancy test result
There are two kinds of people in this world: people who are told the things they need to know, and people who have a reputation for throwing a great big fit every time they hear something that is not exactly to their liking.
If you dream that you are trying to keep someone else from finding out about your positive pregnancy test result, this could symbolize that you feel like the people around you are not able to handle information calmly or responsibly. You may feel like you need to work to manage their emotions because they won’t do it themselves, and maybe this is your least bad option in the difficult situation they have created.
Pregnancy may be an exciting creative process, but the moment of definitively learning that you are on that journey might have a more anxious vibe. Your dream of a positive pregnancy test can symbolize any of life’s situations that share a similar atmosphere of needing a definitive answer to an important question.