What Does It Mean to Dream of Kissing?

If you dream of kissing someone, does that mean you are finally going to be in a romantic relationship with that person?
What if you dreamed of kissing someone you don’t want to be in a romantic relationship with?
Dreaming of kissing someone doesn’t mean you can’t have a romantic relationship with them, but it won’t push you into any romantic relationship that you don’t want to be in. It won’t push anyone else into any romantic relationship that they don’t want to be in, either.
Your kissing dream, however, can give you insight on dynamics in your relationship, even if there is nothing sexual about the relationship in question.
Kissing Dream Summary
Kissing Dream Symbolism
Kissing dreams can simply depict sexual desire. If that does not feel accurate for your dream, though, kissing dreams can more broadly symbolize issues around intimacy and boundaries, especially in the context of a relationship that is not sexual.
A kissing dream that feels good may symbolize a beneficial increase in intimacy in some relationships, even if the intimacy is not sexual. A kissing dream that feels bad, however, may symbolize that appropriate boundaries in a relationship have been trampled.
Common Kissing Dreams
- Dream of a kiss on the lips
- Dream of kissing a girl
- Dream of kissing a friend
- Dream of being kissed
- Dream of a celebrity kissing you
Kissing Dream Symbolism
Kissing symbolizes intimacy, including forms of intimacy that are not sexual, though different types of relationships often use different ways of kissing. Family members and friends sometimes kiss each other on the cheek, while romantic partners kiss each other on the lips.
Becoming more emotionally intimate with someone could trigger a dream of kissing them, even if kissing is not your style with that person in waking life.
Kissing is often associated with sexual relationships, and sometimes a dream just means what it looks like it means. Dreaming of kissing can therefore symbolize your sexual desires.
If you have a kissing dream that seems to be about pure pleasure, just enjoy it. If you have never had a sexual relationship, or if you have not been in a sexual relationship for a long time, this sort of dream could symbolize that you are opening up to the possibility of having one.
If you dream of kissing someone who is very different from the type of person you usually desire sexually, it does not necessarily mean your existing understanding of your sexuality is wrong. The dream could have one of the other symbolic meanings associated with kissing.
Breaking boundaries
A kiss can break boundaries between people. On a basic physical level, if you give someone an open-mouthed kiss on the lips, your saliva gets in their mouth, and theirs in yours.
Dreaming of kissing someone can therefore symbolize that the boundaries in your relationship with that person have changed recently, like if a casual acquaintance grew into a deeper friendship through the disclosure of more personal information.
If you have a kissing dream that does not feel good, though, it could symbolize that someone trampled your boundaries in a way you were not comfortable with – or that you are afraid you have done that to someone else.
Common Kissing Dreams
Dream of being kissed
If you dream of being kissed, did you enjoy the experience? If being kissed in your dream felt good for you, it could symbolize you are opening up to pleasant connections with other humans.
If being kissed in your dream felt bad, like someone was forcing you into a kiss you did not want, this could symbolize that someone in your life is invading your space or trampling your personal boundaries. They could claim to have good intentions, and maybe in their minds they really believe they are doing a good thing, which makes it hard for you to communicate to them that whatever they are doing does not actually feel good on your end.
Dream of a kiss on the lips
In some countries, it is common for people who have no romantic relationship with each other to kiss on the cheek as a greeting. Children also regularly get kissed on the cheek or on top of the head.
A kiss on the lips, however, generally connotes post-puberty sexual feelings or the possibility of a teenage or adult romantic relationship.
If being kissed on the lips is something that has not yet happened for you or does not happen very often for you in your waking life, dreaming of being kissed on the lips could symbolize that you are opening up to the possibility of becoming more sexual and pursuing a partner.
Dream of kissing a girl
If you dream of kissing a girl, and that is not surprising for you based on your own sexual orientation, this dream could just be processing routine events or fantasies.
If you dream of kissing a girl, and that is not what you expected given your sexual orientation – like if you are a straight girl who expects to kiss only boys, or if you are a gay boy who expects to kiss only boys – this dream could be harder to get your mind around.
While sexual orientation can be complex, having a dream that surprises you in this way does not necessarily mean your understanding of your sexual orientation is wrong. As discussed throughout this article, kissing in dreams can symbolize a variety of things, and not all of them are sexual.
The Katy Perry song “I Kissed A Girl” talks about a girl kissing a girl largely provoked by the taboo against girls kissing girls. Dreaming of kissing a girl could therefore symbolize a situation where you feel compelled to do something that you have been told is forbidden just to see what all the fuss is about.
Dream of kissing a friend
If you dream of kissing a friend, and this is not something that is part of your usual relationship with that friend, how did kissing them in the dream feel? If the kiss felt disruptive in the dream, like you were worried that the kiss would change the dynamic between you in an uncomfortable way, it could symbolize that the friendship has been changing lately.
Possibly at least one of you really has become sexually attracted to the other. This could lead to a challenging upheaval in the friendship, even in a best-case scenario where the sexual attraction is mutual and ultimately leads to a satisfying romantic relationship.
If that doesn’t feel accurate to you, this dream could instead mean that you and your friend have been more emotionally open with each other than usual lately, like if one of you came to the other needing support with a difficult problem. Even if increasing the emotional openness in your friendship is ultimately a good thing, changing a friendship that has been a casual one into a more emotionally intimate one can be scary for a while because you are moving into uncharted territory.
If kissing your friend in your dream feels good, this symbolizes that things between you and your friend are going well and that your friendship is strong enough to ride waves of change.
Dream of a celebrity kissing you
If you dream of being kissed by a favorite celebrity you admire, this may be an expression of dream pioneer Sigmund Freud’s saying that a dream is the fulfillment of a wish.
Dreaming of being kissed by a celebrity you admire can also represent that you are interested in taking on skills you associate with them. Maybe you won’t make out with your favorite movie star on the set of his next movie in your waking life, but you could try out for a school or community theater production.
If you dream of being kissed by a celebrity you find disgusting, and you did not enjoy it in the dream, this could symbolize that a scandal this person recently made the news for really got under your skin. Maybe what they got in trouble for was something you have personal experience with, and hearing the news story brought up your memories of your own bad experience.
Alternately, this dream could symbolize that you are pursuing a partner who you know is not a good match for you just because they have a high status that you want to be associated with.
If you dream of being kissed by a celebrity you find disgusting, and you actually did enjoy it in the dream, this could be reminiscent of the story of “The Frog Prince,” where an ugly frog turns out to be a handsome prince. Maybe you have misjudged someone you currently have a negative opinion of.
Your dream of kissing could shock you, especially if it features someone you are not used to thinking of in that way. Kissing dreams, however, do not always mean what they look like they mean.
Dreams can take subtle emotional dynamics and cast them in imagery too dramatic to ignore. Your kissing dream could have picked up on a shift in one of your relationships that might otherwise have passed without acknowledgment.