What Does It Mean to Dream of a Home Invasion?

What Does It Mean to Dream of a Home Invasion?

Dreaming of your home being invaded can really get your heart pounding. Home is a place where you are supposed to be safe, so to have that challenged, even in a dream, can be terrifying.

If you can calm down enough to look at your home invasion dream symbolically, though, it may alert you to a less obvious threat lurking in your waking life.

Home Invasion Dream Summary

Home Invasion Dream Symbolism

Your house in your dream represents security, as well as your own body and identity. Dreaming of your home being invaded therefore often symbolizes that you feel one of these primal dimensions of your life is threatened.

If you dream that you are the home invader, though, this could symbolize that you are totally frustrated in your efforts to get your needs met and feel that others who have it better owe you.

Whether you are the invader or the invaded, a dream of home invasion can also show that there is a problem with interpersonal boundaries in one of your relationships.

Common Home Invasion Dreams

  1. Dream that someone is invading your home to steal things
  2. Dream that you are invading someone else’s home
  3. Dream of shooting an intruder in self-defense

Home Invasion Dream Symbolism

Home Invasion Dream Symbolism


While this website does not provide medical advice, and you need to consult a healthcare professional for specific concerns of that nature, the patient experience of many illnesses can include feeling like your body has been attacked by an outside invader. A home invasion dream could therefore symbolize a situation where a new medical diagnosis or troubling physical symptom threatens your ability to maintain control over your life.

Boundary Issues

A dream of your home being invaded could symbolize a situation where someone in your life is not respecting your boundaries. Maybe you need to talk to the person who is causing the trouble – or maybe you already have tried to tell them your concerns repeatedly, and you are frustrated that nothing you say seems to get through to them.


A home invasion dream can symbolize that you are processing a bad sexual experience like being raped or sexually assaulted. This can be the case whether or not the imagery of the dream includes rape or sexual assault. For more information, see rape dream symbolism.

Even in a situation that is not abusive, the thought of opening up to a sexual relationship with someone else can be a little scary, especially if this is something you have not done before. You could feel invaded even if the other person didn’t really do anything wrong, so dreaming of a home invasion in that context could be more about acknowledging your own inhibitions.

Common Home Invasion Dreams

Dream that someone is invading your home to steal things

Dream that someone is invading your home to steal things

If you dream that someone is invading your home to steal things, the particular item that gets stolen could have symbolic relevance. If the thief just takes things that have obvious monetary value like electronics and jewelry, this could speak to a general sense that your ability to provide for yourself financially is threatened.

If the thief goes after an item of personal sentimental value, like your photo album, this could symbolize a situation where your view of important events in your life is contested by someone else. If they steal really private items – such as your diary, financial records, or sex toys – this may symbolize a situation where you are afraid of your secrets being revealed to others.

Dream that you are invading someone else’s home

Dream that you are invading someone else’s home

If you dream that you are invading someone else’s home, this could symbolize a situation where you are at least a little bit aware on some level that you may be overstepping the boundaries of another person in your life, even if you have been able to logically justify your actions to yourself. This dream might therefore be a warning for you to be more aware of how your actions come off to others, regardless of what you intend.

Dreaming of invading someone else’s home could also indicate that you have some unmet need that you are struggling to address. If you are invading the home to steal things, this could symbolize that you feel you do not have enough money or material goods to meet your needs – and it might also show that you feel that others who have more owe you something.

A dream of invading someone else’s home might also show that you are frustrated to a point of desperation about your inability to connect in relationships with others. If someone is stonewalling you and refusing to listen to anything you have to say, you may feel like you have to do something extreme to get through to them.

Dream of shooting an intruder in self-defense

Dream of shooting an intruder in self-defense

If you dream of shooting an intruder, this could symbolize a situation where you feel like you need to take decisive action to protect yourself immediately and ask questions later. If your dream shows you succeeding in defending yourself from the threat, this may be a good omen for your ability to deal with whatever is challenging you in your waking life.

In waking life, some situations where people shoot intruders turn out to be tragic misunderstandings, where it is discovered after the fact that the person who got shot was not a threat after all. Your dream of shooting an intruder could refer to a similarly ambiguous situation.

Even if you are as justified as anyone could be in shooting an intruder, you might still feel guilty about having to hurt or kill someone else to protect yourself. A dream of shooting an intruder could therefore symbolize a situation where you feel like you cannot take care of yourself without some cost to others.


A home invasion dream often shows that there is some challenge to the basic structure of your life that needs to be addressed. The details of your dream can give clues to what you need to do to restore your sense of security.