Doll Dream Meaning & Symbolism

Dolls can represent various things. For one, they may reflect our emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Additionally, they can also represent other people in our lives. As such, dreaming about dolls may have various meanings, depending on the other symbols in your dream. To give you a better view, here are some of the common doll dream interpretations.
Doll Symbolism
Dolls symbolize innocence. As such, to dream about a doll may mean that you are using your innocence to get what you want. Aside from that, it can also reflect your desire to go back to being an innocent child.
Acknowledgment of Beauty and Hard Work
Because dolls are beautiful toys, dreaming of a doll may signify that you are being acknowledged for your beauty. Someone in your waking life has probably told you that “you’re beautiful” or “you look like a doll.” Aside from that, your dream can also mean that someone has noticed your hard work, and they may soon praise you for all the great work you’ve done.
Childhood Memories
Because dolls are often given to young girls, dreaming about a doll may represent the happy days of your childhood, a time when you don’t have stress and worries. If you’re an adult, your dream may indicate your desire to live a stress-free life. Aside from that, a dream about a doll can also mean that you are currently feeling nostalgic, and you’re thinking of the happy moments from your childhood.
Suppressed Feelings
If you are feeling melancholic or lonely, dreaming about a talking doll may represent your suppressed feelings. You are probably having a hard time speaking or showing your true feelings. Additionally, a doll in your dream can also the things that you can’t say or do.
Losing Control
Aside from those doll dream interpretations, dreaming about a doll can also signify that you are losing control of your life. The doll may reflect your inner struggles because someone is trying to control you. Additionally, it can also mean that you are having a hard time because you are unable to control the events in your life.
Unleash Your Inner Child
As mentioned, a doll may represent your childhood memories. In connection to that meaning, dreaming about a doll could signify that you need to unleash your inner child. If you are currently stressed-out, your dream is telling you that you need to relax, be playful, and enjoy life. One way to do this is by pursuing new hobbies.
A Call to Action
If you are just watching your life pass by, dreaming about a doll may indicate that you need to take action. For example, if you have a plan to advance your career, your dream is telling you that now is the time to put your plan into action. Aside from that, pursuing a new hobby or interest is also a great way to participate or be active in your life.
Common Doll Dreams
Dreaming of a Beautiful Doll
To dream of a beautiful doll is a good sign because it is related to joyful events. For women, this dream indicates that you will have a newborn baby. It may also suggest that you’re going to meet a new acquaintance who will make you happy.
For men, a dream about a beautiful doll symbolizes a newly acquainted person with whom you will have a romantic affair.
Dream about Barbie Doll
Barbie is a symbol of beauty and perfection. For this reason, dreaming about a Barbie doll may signify admiration. The doll in your dream may represent a mentor or role model in your waking life who you admire so much, and you want to be like him or her. Additionally, a Barbie doll may also represent your insecurities, especially if you lack confidence and self-esteem.
Aside from those interpretations, dreaming of a Barbie doll may also be a warning that you’re going to lose a great friend. The reason is probably due to distance or lack of time.
Finally, a dream about a Barbie doll can also mean that you will start a new hobby, and it will make you happy.
Dreaming of a Doll Coming to Life
A doll coming to life in your dream can denote positive and negative things, depending on the actions of the doll. For example, if the actions of the doll are scary, it represents your fears. Additionally, if the doll did scary things to other people, your dream is warning you that something unpleasant is about to happen in your waking life.
Another interpretation of a doll coming to life is cheating. Your dream is warning you that someone is going to trick you or planning something against you. It could be work-related, and your colleague is planning to snatch your position. If you’re in a relationship, your partner is probably having an affair.
On a positive note, if the doll made you happy, it could mean that your visions are becoming a reality. Aside from that, your dream is also telling you that you’re going to achieve something, or your wishes may come true.
Playing with Dolls in a Dream
Playing with a doll in your dream is a positive sign. For one, it signifies that you have complete control of your life, and everything in your waking life is working in your favor.
If you had fun playing with your doll, your dream is telling you that your family will become successful and secured. At the same time, the dream is also letting you know that you have wonderful relationships, and it is the right time to communicate with other people because they will understand you easily.
If you are playing with another person’s doll, your dream is telling you that you are a generous person, and you know your reality.
Buying a Doll in a Dream
To buy a doll in a dream indicates good news. To be specific, this dream is letting you know that you will encounter opportunities that will help you excel financially. Additionally, it could also mean that you will receive a generous offer, like a promotion or raise.
If you’re buying a doll for someone else, your dream is telling you that you will make someone happy by helping or doing something for him or her. However, if you weren’t able to buy the doll, your dream is reminding you to prioritize the things in your life.
Dreaming about Voodoo Dolls
To dream about voodoo dolls is never a good sign. As you know, this type of doll is used to manipulate people. As such, dreaming about it indicates that someone is trying to manipulate you. Additionally, that person is probably using you for selfish reasons. For example, someone is probably using you to hurt others. If this is the case, you have to get away from that person as soon as possible.
Receiving a Doll in a Dream
To receive a doll in your dream signifies that positive energy is surrounding you, and you will receive some good news. For example, the dream is probably letting you know that you will get financial rewards. Additionally, if you receive a lot of dolls, it could mean that you’ll have many children. Lastly, the dream could also indicate that you’re building strong relationships with your friends.
If you felt that you don’t deserve the beautiful doll, your dream is telling you that you are currently battling with your weaknesses because you think that your weaknesses are spoiling your reputation.
Seeing Many Dolls in a Dream
Seeing multiple dolls in a dream could signify that you are feeling lost, and it seems that everyone is against you. Additionally, it could also represent your overwhelmed feelings towards the people surrounding you.
Another interpretation of this dream is that you will experience extraordinary events in your life. Additionally, the dream is also telling you that you will face various adventures, and you will find happiness in numerous groups of people.
Seeing Yourself as a Doll in a Dream
Seeing yourself as a doll in a dream is a bad omen. Your dream is warning you that you should be careful when making decisions and dealing with people around you. Additionally, this dream may also indicate you may lose some of your possessions, like your car or house. If this is the case, you need to protect your possessions, and you also have to be careful in making any investments.
Dreaming about an Annabelle Doll
As you know, an Anabelle doll is a creepy doll that is possessed. As such, a dream about this type of doll is a representation of your fears. To be specific, your dream is letting you know that you have fears that are blocking your path to success, so you need to challenge yourself, face your fears, and improve your approach in life. That way, you will not only defeat your fears but accomplish your goals as well.
Dreaming about a Broken Doll
Dreaming about a broken doll means that you are experiencing problems that are connected. You are probably having difficulties in life because of these problems. As such, your dream is telling you that you need to solve these problems as soon as you can, so you won’t experience great loss.