Dreams About Crab – Symbolism, Meaning and Interpretation

There are usually two main associations related to crabs – seaside and food. These crustaceans live in fresh water or on land, in tropical and semitropical regions around the world, reminding us of spiders or some other insects.
There are around 850 crab species. Dreaming about them have various possible interpretations, however not as much as 850, since dreams about crabs are not considered to be that common. Still, I will try to explain their symbolism and meanings briefly.
Crab Symbolism
In many different cultures, crabs symbolize emotions and trust. For their natural characteristic of dumping one shell in exchange for another, crabs are also seen as symbols of substitution. Thus, they stand for the constant change and the cyclical nature of life, as the opposite to the linear one. Native American tradition especially nurtures this belief, seeing crabs as the signs of intuition and reincarnation.
Crabs’ life alternates between water and land, however, their symbolism focuses on the water element. Additionally, crabs are related to the element of the moon as well. Due to their strong skeleton shell, crabs stand for protection, defense, and security.
In some cultures, crabs are used as totems and spirit animals. If you found out that crab is your spirit animal, it will lead you to the new, changed path through your life. It may advise you to take some time to rethink, hide into your shell, find peace, meditate, and then you will find the right approach you were looking for.
Crab’s spiritual goal is to help you find something new in your life, be it approach, path, or solution. It will help your soul to grow, to spread its horizons, and to go with life’s flow.
Finally, in astrology, the crab is the zodiac constellation of the zodiac sign of cancer. It is known for its adaptability, just like its natural counterpart.
Dreaming about Crab
As I have pointed out, dreams about crabs are not very common. However, they are still quite penetrating, striking the dreamer the whole day after waking up. That is why it’s important to understand their context, meaning, and symbolism clearly.
Dream About Observing Crab
The most general possibility is simply to dream crab as a central figure you see somewhere. In most cases, this dream is considered to be a warning sign, telling you to expect challenging times ahead. It may be some problem or a conflict you will need to resolve.
Maybe you are tired of too much work and need to take some rest. Another interpretation is that you should expect certain difficulties in ythe relationship you have just started with someone. The crab itself is trying to tell you – take your time to meditate, and try to change your ways if you feel the need for it.
Dream Of Eating Crab
This dream has several contradictory interpretations. The explication will depend mostly on your personal context.
Some say this dream is a bad omen, regarding your health issues. However, they are considered to be short-term, so you don’t have to worry, this dream doesn’t predict anything fatal.
Others say dreaming of eating crab denotes a sign of good luck, and that you should expect something good happens to you in near future.
If you had a dream of cooking crab meat and preparing the meal, it tells you have been stubborn and didn’t want to cooperate with others. Mind your behavior and try to save your good reputation. A little bit more toleration and open-mindedness are what you need.
Dream of Catching a Crab
If you dreamed of catching a crab with your bare hands, it is considered to be a bad omen, related to some disappointment you can expect. One possible interpretation of it is predicting a failure of some project, idea, or relationship you have been involved in. If your plans didn’t work out well, try to change them thoroughly.
Another explanation is related to the disappointment in your personal life. Dreaming of catching a crab stands for fake friends. Someone in your surrounding is hiding a secret from, not being an honest friend.
If you had doubts about someone already, this dream may help you to cope with that situation. Try to share your secrets carefully, with a few chosen people. Prior to that, it is important to learn how to evaluate people successfully.
Dreaming of Fishing for Crabs
Another warning about people that behave badly to you lies in the dream of fishing for crabs. If you had this dream, it denotes someone is trying to use your positive attitude and to take advantage of it.
Someone may be jealous of your success and wants to benefit from it, tricking you somehow. Be careful when sharing your plans and ideas.
Finally, try to rethink who that person might be. It may be some of your close friends, colleagues, a relative, or simply a total stranger. In any case, you shouldn’t let anyone steal your own accomplishment.
Dream About Killing A Crab
To dream of killing a crab indicates you want to release some old problems and to let the past go. You have been going through difficult times recently, and you won the new freedom in your dream by killing a crab.
This dream suggests you need to get rid of some worries and to take back control over your life. It is also a sign of your readiness and motivation to change things, symbolizing your newly gained determination and open-mindedness.
Dream About Crab Attack
Dreaming of being attacked or bitten by a crab can be very exhausting and annoying. The most common interpretation of it is that this dream is a reminder telling you there is someone or something whose existence you have been ignoring for a while.
Therefore, a crab biting you in a dream wants to wake you up, to tell you to stop resisting to admit there is someone or something you should face. It is inevitable to avoid it, so the sooner you accept it, the sooner you will get used to it.
Dreaming of Horseshoe Crab
Since the horseshoe crab is considered to be the spirit animal for strength and power, both masculine and feminine, dreaming of it usually has fortunate interpretations. If you had a dream involving this unusual animal, it signifies your personal potential and self-preservation. You have successfully developed your sense of self-worth.
Dreaming of A Hermit Crab
Hermit crab is the good omen, whether it appears in your dream or in waking life. If you dreamed of catching one, it foretells a good change in your life. Maybe finally your effort will finally pay off and you will get the fruits of your hard work.
This type of crab is a spirit animal for adventure and experience. When dreaming of it, you can expect to meet some new territories, people, or situations. Let your spirit animal gain your goals freely.
Dreaming of Crabs Of Different Colors
As you know, colors play a significant role in our dreams. Be it red, white, or blue, it is important to understand the variations and nuances of their appearance correctly. The same goes for the color of the crab coming to your dreams.
Dreaming of A White Crab
The white color brings the dream of a crab a sense of innocence, lightness, and harmless. It can also signalize your insecurity and shyness. Try to not underestimate your abilities and emotions this dream is trying to tell you that.
Dreaming of A Black Crab
Unlike the color white, black stands for sadness, loneliness, and a sense of mystery. Thus, when dreaming of a black crab, your subconscious tries to unhide some suppressed emotions. Perhaps you have been hiding something from both your inner and outer world. Try to figure out what it might be, depending on the context of your life.
On the other hand, this dream may a warning, telling you that some danger is coming your way.
Dreaming of A Red Crab
As expected, dreaming of a red crab signifies some aggression you are trying to overcome. You are going through a difficult period in your life and this negative phase has resulted in such a dream. It tells you to stop and rethink your actions, in order to stop doing things impulsively. Consider this dream an alert.
Dreaming of a Blue Crab
Since the blue color symbolizes misfortune and torment, this dream is a prediction of certain difficulties to come. However, it is usually related to your love and personal life. Perhaps you can expect troubles in your relationship or difficulties to start over again.
As you have seen, dreams about crabs can be very unpredictable and unusual, just as their meaning and interpretation. If you have never dreamed of them, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future. This article aims to help you to distinguish all of their shades and nuances and be prepared once a crab walks into your dreamland.
Have you ever dreamed of a crab? Can you remember its details? How did it feel? Did this article help you to understand it better?