What Does It Mean When You Dream About Lottery

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Lottery

If you have dreamt about the lottery, then you may be wondering if a big monetary gain is waiting for you around the corner. While dreams about the lottery can indeed sometimes point towards financial prosperity and wealth, the lottery in the dream can also be representative of other types of luck or fortune. To properly understand how to interpret a lottery dream, you will need to learn about lottery symbolism.

Money Dream Meanings & Interpretation

Money Dream Meanings & Interpretation

If you have been having dreams about money, then you probably want to know what it means. Sadly, dreaming about money is usually symbolic of something else, and it doesn’t usually mean that you will be finding a stack of money in real life! To find out the hidden meanings behind your money dreams, you will need to understand money symbolism and how that relates to the context of your dreams.