What Does It Mean to Dream About a Bird?

Bird Dream Meaning

Perhaps not all birds can be trained to physically carry messages like the carrier pigeons did in World War I, but any bird that appears in your dreams definitely has a unique and important message for you.

Bird Dream Summary

Bird Dream Symbolism

Birds are known for flying and singing. If the bird in your dream is flying and singing happily, this could symbolize that you feel free and able to express yourself in your life. However, if the bird in your dream is blocked from flight, this may show that you feel suppressed.

Birds can also be very clever and communicative, so a bird dream may symbolize that you will get the information you need to solve your problems.

Common Bird Dreams

  1. Dream of a bird in a house
  2. Dream of birds attacking
  3. Dream of a dead bird
  4. Dream of feeding a bird
  5. Dream of a bird sitting on an egg
  6. Dream of a bird hatching from an egg
  7. Dream of a brightly colored bird
  8. Dream of a bird of a particular color
  9. Dream of a specific type of bird

Bird Dream Symbolism

Bird Dream Symbolism


Birds are known for their ability to fly. A bird dream that emphasizes flying could share flying dream symbolism such as freedom.

However, people sometimes put birds in cages or clip their wings to keep them from flying away. Dreaming of a caged bird or a bird with clipped wings could symbolize that you feel like someone is restricting your freedom. Alternately, you might be aware on some level that you are restricting someone else’s freedom.


“A little bird told me” is a common saying that means someone passed along information to you. Similarly, the social media platform Twitter uses bird imagery and refers to posts as Tweets.

Dreaming of a bird could therefore symbolize that you may receive a message that is important to you. In some cases, this may even be a spiritual message.

Some birds, like parrots, are able to intelligibly repeat things that the humans around them say. Dreaming of this sort of talking bird may symbolize that your secrets are not safe, as someone you might not expect could be repeating them to others.


Birds do seem to be everywhere, and their ability to fly gives them access to vantage points that humans don’t usually have. In this sense, a bird dream could symbolize that you feel like someone has their eyes on you.


Some birds can be very clever. For example, NPR reports that crows are able to recognize human faces and use tools. A bird dream could therefore symbolize that you are capable of working out an ingenious solution to a problem that has been weighing on you.


In the wild, birds are often seen in pairs or larger groups, as they need an audience for their singing and other vocalizations. As pets, birds can be excellent companions for humans. Dreaming of a bird could therefore symbolize that you are looking for companionship.

Common Bird Dreams

Dream of a bird in a house

Dream of a bird in a house

If you have a pet bird, dreaming of a bird in your house might just reflect routine events in your life. If you don’t have a pet bird, dreaming of a pet bird in your house could symbolize that you are opening yourself to bird-like qualities such as freedom and communication.

Dreaming of a wild bird in a house could symbolize that you feel held back by the norms of civilization, especially if the bird is destructive. However, if the wild bird inside the house in your dream is not causing trouble, this might show that you are able to integrate your passionate feelings into your daily life.

Dream of birds attacking

Dream of birds attacking

Dreams about birds attacking you in a violent way could symbolize that you feel like the world in general is out to get you. You may feel victimized and generally pecked to death by your circumstances.

If the bird attack in your dream is more obnoxious than truly dangerous, your dream of being attacked by birds could symbolize that people who are bothering you may not be as threatening as they seem. Like easily distracted birds, they might eventually just fly off to the next thing that grabs their attention.

Dream of a dead bird

Dream of a dead bird

Seeing a dead bird in your dream could be reminiscent of the saying “canary in the coal mine.” This refers to an old practice of coal miners bringing a caged canary into the mine with them. If the bird died, that would alert the miners to the presence of toxic gases in the mine.

In this context, dreaming of a dead bird could be an omen that some situation in your life is toxic. Other scenery in the dream may show you which situation you are being warned about.

Alternately, cats are known for showing off their hunting skills by presenting their owners with dead birds. If this is what more commonly comes to mind when you think of a dead bird, your dead bird dream could symbolize that you are making an effort to impress someone, or that someone else is making an effort to impress you. Either way, the effort may be somewhat awkward or misguided.

Dream of feeding a bird

Dream of feeding a bird

Even wild birds are often clever enough to charm humans into feeding them. Dreaming of feeding a wild bird could symbolize that you feel attracted to the freedom of birds. You may want to be associated with someone who seems free in this way, even if your relationship has to be on their terms.

Dreaming of feeding a pet bird could symbolize that you are responsible for someone else’s well-being and can’t think only of yourself.

Dream of a bird sitting on an egg

Dream of a bird sitting on an egg

Dreaming of a bird sitting on an egg can symbolize that you are protective of something in your life. Alternately, you may be working on a project that is not quite ready to share with others, and you might just have to be patient for now.

Dream of a bird hatching from an egg

Dream of a bird hatching from an egg

If you dream of a bird hatching from an egg, this could symbolize that a moment you have been waiting for has arrived. Even if you have been looking forward to the experience in question, you could discover, at least at first, that reality is more awkward than the anticipation you have built up in your head. See also egg dream symbolism.

Dream of a brightly colored bird

Dream of a brightly colored bird

If you dream of a bird that has dramatic brightly colored feathers, like a parrot or a peacock, this could symbolize that you want to get noticed and attract attention. You may want to pay attention to whether the bird in your dream comes off as obnoxious or elegant, as that might give a hint as to how your efforts are perceived.

Dream of a bird of a particular color

A dream of a bird of a particular color could combine bird dream symbolism with the dream symbolism of that color.

Brown bird dream meaning

Brown bird dream meaning

A brown bird might tend to blend in with outdoor surroundings. Dreaming of a brown bird could therefore symbolize that blending in and not drawing attention to yourself is a good strategy for you at this time.

Black bird dream meaning

Black bird dream meaning

The color black has some connotations of creepiness, and so do crows, a common type of black bird. In this way, dreaming of black birds could symbolize that you feel like someone is lurking in your life in a way you find disturbing.

However, crows are known for their intelligence, so dreaming of a crow may alternately emphasize the part of bird dream symbolism that has to do with cleverness. The color black can also symbolize protection, and crows sometimes give presents to the people they like, so you may have someone looking out for you in a protective way.

Blue bird dream meaning

Blue bird dream meaning

The color blue refers to communication and the intellect. Dreaming of a blue bird could therefore emphasize the parts of bird dream symbolism that have to do with communication and cleverness.

White bird dream meaning

White bird dream meaning

The symbolism of the color white includes spirituality and purity. Dreaming of a white bird could therefore be associated with receiving a spiritual message.

Dream of a specific type of bird

Dream of a specific type of bird

The Symbolism provides additional dream interpretation guidance on the following specific types of birds: penguins, ducks, eagles, peacocks, mockingbirds, doves, pigeons, and owls.


Many bird dreams are not too scary or disturbing. The symbolic job of a bird is usually to be a messenger rather than a predator. Even if the message they relay is not exactly what you wanted to hear, you still might be grateful to hear it.